Wednesday 1 June 2011

Be on the side of history.

Dear Dr Andrew Leigh MP, 

I write to you to urge you to support marriage equality, and fight for the government to send a signal to Australia about what is right, what is fair and what is just. 

I have no doubt that you believe in the rights of all Australians, regardless of sexuality. I urge you to show this more publicly, to follow through in fight for equality and implement what you believe in. Every day the government allows the deplorable discrimination in the Marriage Act to remain, you are necessarily promoting social and cultural stigmatisation.

All major reforms encounter opposition, but it’s how you respond to that opposition is the measure of your leadership. I implore you to pursue marriage equality publicly and passionately, no matter the opposition. Waiting for the indeterminate goal of “community consensus” doesn’t help right a wrong. Be on the side of history, and come down for what you believe in.

You’ve been given great power by your constituents, please use it. 

Kind regards, 

Alice Crawford

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