Thursday 2 June 2011

It’s going to happen – it’s an absolute inevitability.

Dear Dr Andrew Leigh MP,
I’m writing to you to express my support for marriage equality, and to urge you to do whatever you can in your power to ensure that this issue is legislated on, and in doing so halt what is the most heinous form of discrimination currently under the law in this country.
What always strikes me as somewhat bizarre when the issue of marriage equality is debated on in the media or parliament is that the simple fact of the matter is - it’s coming. It’s coming. This intense desire for the homophobes in our society and their corresponding parliamentary representatives to prevent marriage equality is quite frankly absolutely futile. All they are simply doing is stalling the inevitable. 
I understand politics, I understand democracies and its representative nature and I understand re-election. Yet, what I don’t understand is how when faced with the opportunity to remove blatant discrimination, to create positive social change, and do something that is life-changing and life-saving for so many of their constituents, our politicians don’t jump up with enthusiasm to use their exceptional power and be a part of something historic? It’s going to happen – it’s an absolute inevitability. Therefore, you would think that our current politicians would like to be the ones who receive the credit and go down in history – not the next lot. However, given the rate at which we’re going at, it seems more likely that it will be the next lot. 
I have countless stories that I could tell you of the horrors and injustices that my homosexual friends have been through, but I wouldn’t know where to start and who to choose. That in itself breaks my heart. Marriage equality won’t remove the homophobia that exists in this country, but it’s the obvious first step forward. I am going to do everything in my power to ensure that my friends and the loved ones of millions in this country can move forward and have their love and commitment for their partners recognised under the State. I hope and urge that you – someone with much more power than me - will do just the same.
Raveena Toor

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