Wednesday 1 June 2011

I ask that you take a stand on behalf of all Australians

Dear Andrew Leigh

I am writing this letter to pledge my support for marriage equality in Australia. I believe that all Australians have a right to marriage regardless of their sexuality. As somebody who has the ability to speak to a room full of Australia's key decision makers, I ask that you help make my view heard. 

All my life I have dreamt of the day when I would walk down the aisle and marry the one person I was meant to be with. Regardless of whether that person is a man or a woman, I should have the right to marry them if that is what I want. I believe that marriage is a fundamental human right, and all Australians should legally be allowed to marry who they choose. 

Marriage is a sexually exclusive and equitable love relationship entered into voluntarily by two adults, solemnized by vows and recognized by themselves and others as the highest romantic achievement possible between two people. In my view, marriage does not need to be religious, but for all Australians to be treated equitably, all marriages should be recognised by law. 

Traditional wedding vows are to love, comfort, honour, keep in sickness and in health, and forsake all others, keeping only each other as long as you both shall live. These vows remain the same regardless of sex and sexuality. The intent behind these words is exactly the same between a man a woman, a man and a man, and a woman and a woman.

In support of some of my closest friends, my amazing family members, and some of the strongest and most amazing people I have ever met, I ask that you take a stand on behalf of all Australians, and ask the Australian Government to support marriage equality for one and all.

Tara Nichols

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