Sunday 29 May 2011

Freedom to pursue their own happiness.

Dear Dr Andrew Leigh MP,
I am writing to express my great sadness that certain members of the Australian community are not given equal rights before the law. Yes, I’m talking about the right of homosexuals to marry. To be honest, I don’t understand why it hasn’t happened. They are human beings, just like you and I, with the same hopes and fears. They have the same capacity to feel love and pain, to feel joyous, to set goals and achieve them. Yet, in this one aspect they still remain second-rate citizens. 
Some of my friends are homosexual. I’ve watched them fall in love and listened to them lament the fact that they can’t make the ultimate commitment to each other. And isn’t that the point of marriage these days? To stand before your family, friends and community and proclaim your love and devotion to each other? To recognise each other as imperfect beings that somehow, when together, just work. I don’t see why it should be different for homosexual people. 
I have wonderful dreams for my friends. I hope that they will experience a loving life, and I hope that they are prosperous and generous.   But most of all, I want them to have the freedom to pursue their own happiness. Marriage equality is a part of this. 
I hope that you too, will join me in my dreams for my friends and support marriage equality. 
Kind regards,

Natasha Lindfield

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