Tuesday 31 May 2011

My dad is a stubborn man.

Dear Gai Brodtmann,

My dad is a stubborn man. He often drives me insane around the house with silly habits he can’t throw because he is so set in his ways. Growing up through school he was the only kid in his class not to get a pen licence. Because of this he only knows how to write block capitals and unfortunately this means caps lock is always on. He doesn’t understand technology, he doesn’t understand fashion and he doesn’t understand some things now that have changed a lot since when he was young.

In the last few years a couple of our family members and close friends have come out about being gay. At first I know he found this difficult to face. Growing up, he was told it was not something to share let alone be proud of, and here was one of our close friends asking a homophobic man for acceptance. But watching him over the last few years, I could not be prouder of him. Not only now is he comfortable talking about the subject but he speaks about our loved ones with pride and true happiness that now after coming out, they are leading fearless lives, happy and comfortable in their skin.

I consider myself extremely lucky to have been brought up in a family of loving values, to treat everyone equally regardless of gender, race and sexuality. I support Gay Marriage 100% and I think that if my father, someone so set in their ways is able to form new ideas and new attitudes towards homosexuality, everyone can.

With your vote for equal marriage rights, my dad will be in the front row of three beautiful weddings, blinking the happy tears from his eyes.

With this vote we will be one step closer to a more tolerant Australia.

- Anon. 

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