Sunday 29 May 2011

It Just Isn't Fair.

Dear Ms. Brodtmann,
I am writing to you not only as a member of your electorate and as someone who voted for you, but as a young woman who has grown up in a world where my teachers forgot to tell the class about non-hetero sexualities thirteen years in a row, where my peers used the word ‘gay’ as an insult and where my government denies equal rights to anyone who dares to deviate from the heterosexual mould.
It is because of these factors that I have found it so hard to come to terms with who I am. I am bisexual. I can love and have loved both men and women.  I like to joke that I am only half a lesbian, but that does not mean that I only get half of the homophobia. There is more confusion, more questions of identity, and more pressure to just repress the side that loves women and indulge in my heterosexual privilege. There are more people questioning the validity of my identity, more people telling me that I can just wish it away and be normal. But I can’t change who I am, and nor should I have to. 
It just isn’t fair. I need you, as my representative to not just support, but to fight for my right to marry a woman, if I so choose, just as you support my right to marry a man. And I hope that you will.
Yours sincerely,
Zoe Rothfield

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