Sunday 29 May 2011

The most powerful, profound and yet most common feature of human existence.

Dear Mr Leigh,

I am writing to discuss the most powerful, profound and yet most common feature of human existence. Love.  

Love is something I am blessed to have a lot of in my life. I have an amazing family and a truly remarkable group of friends whom I love more than words can say.  And I know there is more love to come. One day I will fall for a beautiful man and we will get married. My friends and family will be there with me to shed a tear, to sing and dance the night away and to celebrate our love.

Yet this institution of love is not open to all. I will not be able to be to celebrate the love of my gay friends and family members because the laws of our country only recognize the union of a man and a woman.

I find this ridiculous and absolutely devastating. To think that in this day and age some of the people I care about most in the world are not treated by the laws of this country as equals but rather as second class citizens is disgusting.

Therefore I urge you, in the name of your friends and family, your neighbours and electorate, in the name of all those who you love and love you in return, to support gay marriage.  


Kate Worrall 

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