Tuesday 31 May 2011

We have seen more than 100 pieces of legislation changed to remove discrimination of GLBTI people.

Dear Dr Andrew Leigh MP,
I am writing to you as my Federal Member for Fraser to ask you to continue to take your positive and public stand in the ALP on Marriage Equality.
When I came out to my friends and family, surprising I was laughed at by my best friend. He laughed, “I was wondering when you would finally summon up the courage to come out”. 
The ALP is now being laughed at by the Australian and international community. For Joe de Bruyn to hysterically allege that same sex marriages will trigger a social collapse is absurd. We need politicians like you to continue to publicly state your support for this important issue.
I am proud of the achievements the GLBTI community has been able to make towards a fairer society with the support of the ALP. We have seen more than 100 pieces of legislation changed to remove discrimination of GLBTI people. 
I am disappointed there is still discrimination in Australia where marriage is still defined as the “union between a man and a woman, to the exclusion of all others”. I am equally disappointed same sex marriages entered into overseas in countries which recognise the rights of GLBTI communities to marry, are not recognised in Australia. 
Just as my best friend laughed at me, people will continue to laugh at the ALP until we can summon up the courage to stand for marriage equality. 
Yours sincerely

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